Pet Peevers

This will be a joint list, compiled by both blog bizzies.
1. Bad gum chewers. You know who you are.
2. Wafer thin lips. Sorry, we know it's not your fault.
3. Wrinkled clothes. Just iron.
4. Adults who use a 'baby voice'. Grow up.
5. Girls who can't kill their own spiders. You don't fool us, damsel in distress.
6. Soup Slurpers. No soup for you! You don't deserve it.
7. LOL, LMAO, LMFAO, ROFL. Chances are you are doing none of these. So stop it.
8. People who develop accents out of nowhere. You are so talented.
9. People who avoid eye contact when speaking. What are you hiding.
10. Nails with designs airbrushed on them. Just trashy.
11. People who steal stories and tell them as their own. Be original, even if it hurts.
12. Hoarders.
13. Facebook Status updates like "cleaning" or "driving the kids to soccer". Congrats on your boring life.
14. Close talkers. Back off and get your own sandwich.
15. Emo people. Take that fake tear off your cheek. You are so affected.
16. People who say: "I know, right?" Right? right? WRONG.
18.Tiger Woods. Read our blog.
19. Granny Panties-Fart Catchers-Balloon Undies. SWF's take on undergarments.
20. Cat-calling. Don't think I won't whistle back.
21. The View's Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Fire her. She probably wears thongs.

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